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"Straight from the horse's (calf's) mouth."

Terrance and Kate In my more than fifty years of riding, ranching and roping, I probably have had more than ten custom saddles made and have ridden countless others. Many of these were made by some of the "famous" saddle makers. (I won't mention any names). But I can say without hesitation or reservation that I have never owned or rode one that would fit any horse I rode like the saddle you made for me. The first time I put your half-seat Vaquero style on my bridle horse, it was apparent to me how much freer he moved. There was a better balance between the rider and the horse. The saddle allows much better movement without hindrance. Personally, it is by far the best I have ever sat in. I realize that this all starts with the tree which is the foundation of everything. Your innovation and tree design make it easier for everything else to fall into place. Your workmanship and attention to detail is impeccable and second to none. I almost don't want to use it for fear of scratching it up. But I remember Terrance's words when he said, "My saddles are made to be used." I guess the highest compliment I could pay you would be to ask you to build me another one. But that probably won't work because I wouldn't change a thing and I will never wear this one out. If you so desire, please feel free to have anyone contact me as a reference. Again, thank you and my very best to you both. JR



I have ridden in my McGowan half seat saddle for about five years now and could not be happier about how it fits my horses and allows them to move without restriction when doing lateral work. This saddle has put me in a much better riding position as my feet are right underneath me making it much easier to work on my seat connection with my horses. The craftsmanship is first class and my horses move better in this saddle than any other I have owned. I am very happy to recommend McGowan saddles to anyone looking to improve their posture in a western saddle. Steve Halfpenny. Light Hands Equitation




We’re lucky enough to own a couple of Terrance’s saddles and I’m not really sure what to say about them without sounding cheesy, but they really are the best saddles we have ever owned. I don’t know what Terrance does when he’s building these saddles, but he just knows how they should fit, he’s studied the bio-mechanics of the horse, he knows where the balance point is on the horse and more importantly he’s ridden miles and miles in his own saddles, so his saddles just fit and allow the movement of the horse to come through. I think he also studies people too - each saddle is made for you - the person buying it and you can tell as soon as you sit in it. It’s like sitting in your favorite chair, you feel at home. Terrance’s saddles put you in the perfect position to help your horse move better. Posture when riding is so very important and these saddles put you in that correct posture. We traveled from the UK to Fallon NV to pick up our saddles, Terrance wanted me to ride it before we took it home to make sure I liked it. We went out onto the trails and rode for 3 or 4 hours, when we got home, I felt like I could have done another 3 or 4 hours - I have never had a brand new saddle feel like that. Lisa Bruin



I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how much I am enjoying my new saddle. The saddle I bought from you has allowed me to take my riding to the next step.  I am 5'11" and have struggled for years with getting my legs under me.  I always felt like my saddles were too wide, throwing my legs forward and putting me off balance.  I feel like my horse had been struggling with his lateral work and well as collection.  We have taken our training slowly but he had a hard time rounding his back and really moving with impulsion. He is a 14 HH cutting bred horse with a very short back.  I have four different very high end saddles but riding in your saddle has changed everything!  He is very forward and soft in the poll. His back is rounded and his lateral work has done a 180.  I am very balanced in the saddle and my lower back pain is gone.  I no longer feel like I am sitting on a barrel but like I am sitting in a luxury dressage saddle....with taps!  Thank you so much for educating yourselves on the horses biomechanics and comfort, I believe my horse would thank you himself if he could! J B



One cannot speak highly enough of McGowan Saddlery. Their waiting list is a testament to how much people revere their saddles. It’s my belief that this is attributable to the fact that Terrance makes his own trees; allowing for freedom of shoulder, flaring of bars to prevent pressure in the caudal lumbar region, centered and balanced seat for the rider, and minimal length of skirt. All aspects that are unique to the McGowan saddle. This is important to me as I like my horses to be able to do high level (classical) movements, which require athletic lateral movement of the horse’s spine, whilst also being robust and sturdy enough to withstand daily use. Additionally, they are spot on with the workmanship and attention to detail, and lovely kind people to deal with.  If I could only own one saddle - it’d be a McGowan saddle!! Andrew Turnball




“Love the light weight wade saddle that I purchased. The quality of workmanship is first class and attention to detail is superb. I ordered my saddle so that I was able to ride more centered and balanced. The shorter tree and more centered position is very different from any other western saddle I have used in the past. Wonderful people to deal with. Recommend the McGowans and all their products 100%. DM



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